I prefer to focus upon YOU, the company client..
Tip 1:
When we have arrived at the point of presenting candidates for your special search project, by now, I know you, Mr/Ms/ contact client representative. I am informed about your service/product/and "feel" your culture.We have spent much time discussing your need, the why, the how, and when, and the what. Now we have arrived at "The Who"
We have searched a multitude of candidates, talked with many, and many more. We have uncovered all of the known pluses/minus, spent many hours devoted to finding the candidates for your open position. I know you need this position filled yesterday, so now we have arrived at this point..The First Candidate Interview!
Know that the person you are interviewing has read all of your company statictics, is ready to meet with you in person. The presented candidate may be somewhat uptight, so a relaxed tone is good for starters. I have already sent you either a video resume and/or paper, so please have the materials readily available to you. We have an agreement that this material is confidential and accessible to only the participating company officials.
I prefer to think of interviews in a collaborative sense, so the candidate will walk in your door with that feeling (I hope to have imparted this prior) Talk as long as you wish, ask relevent questions, treat the candidate respectfully, and enjoy the meeting. You, as well, relax, be yourself. Describe the company and position from your perspective. Advise my presented candidate what is important to you in filling the position. What sort of day to day responsibilities, what hasn't turned out the way you had expected, what has, etc~~be candid. All the stuff one doesn't read in a job description is good. The feel of the company culture, the real experience day to day.
I will follow up with you as soon as you have given this meeting thoughtful consideration. By this point in time, I will have followed up with the candidate as well to discuss his/her thoughts, feelings, unanswered questions, etc..Remember, the ultimate goal is a "perfect match" for your company and the specific department.
We are just beginning our journey to fill the position at this point. Stay tuned for more information highlights, Mr./Ms. Employer.
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