Thursday, May 14, 2009

Executive Search Making Magic

One of my long term clients has used the phrase "Call Suzanne and have her work her magic." In some respects, there it truth to this statement. We recruiters have been social media pioneers long before the terms existed. How do we spend our days?~we go out in the marketplace, make friends, and build relationships. Now, we merely utilize additional online tools. The magic happens when we are asked to fill a critical need in record time. Perhaps someone resigned without notice in the midst of show pre production. The call comes late in the day, our client needs an executive producer on site in a week. The EP needs to "Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk" plus a myriad of additional experience: lights, camera, action, entertainment, business theatre, direct the crew,experienced eye on the budget, ...ahhh..the conjuring up of the show production talent energy begins. Our client is antsy, our client's corporate client is freaking. Our time spent with social media, building relationships over the years will now benefit our client when he/she needs it the most~in a pinch. We Deliver in record time! And that's the way it happens~ like magic

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Honoring My Mother

"In one of the stars I shall be living
In one of them I shall be laughing
And so I will be as if all the stars
were laughing when you look
at the sky at night"

from, The Little Prince