Monday, November 28, 2011

Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies Official Video (HD)

If we are discussing a potential search position with you, please tell me ALL that is relevant. WHY?
It's important to be open and honest with the exec search consultant (aka, recruiter, headhunter, etc). For example:
You have been interviewing with a competitor of my client company? I need to know this~
You didn't like the client contact first meeting? I need to know this~
Your wife/husband doesn't want to relocate? I need to know this~
Your background reveals an issue or position not stated on paper? I need to know this~

In an effort to orchestrate the "Perfect Match" I need/have to have, honesty, open communication

This Blog was prompted by a white lie that cost my client time and money, cost the candidate a great opportunity, and myself time and money~

Be open with the search consultant. We are experienced at overcoming basic flaws of all sorts. It's called a human thing. There are no perfect companies, no perfect people. However, There are Perfect Matches.

(shaking my head) (thinking I should go for a run)

"If B/S were set to music, some days my office would be Carnegie Hall,"

Suzanne Levison

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Where Will We Find New Social Media Professionals? | Social Media Club

Where Will We Find New Social Media Professionals? | Social Media Club

I read this interesting and enlightening article by Mike McClure in September.

Yes, so true. The points expressed in the article are ones I asked myself and colleagues after attending a social media seminar, 2008.

We have been busy the past few years developing our market
and are prepared for the ever evolving"revolution" known as Social Media

What we do is:

Executive Search~

Place specific talented individuals for clients. "The Perfect Match."

If You wish to discuss (confidentially) your company needs for social presence, I can be reached (emails) initially