And his cat from captivity. Early one morning while out jogging near my home in Coronado, CA (home of the Naval Amphibious Base and Navy Seals). I was enjoying the early morning trek down to the sea through the neighborhoods of Coronado. I heard a tapping on a window, so I looked around to find the source of the tapping when I saw two eyes and a black cat staring at me from the very bottom of a large tinted bay window. The voice said to me "Maam, my door lock is broken and I am wondering if you will push on the door as it swings inward." I told him, I am not very strong but I'll try..he continued "It will be just fine, I have dismantled the lock and I'll show you where to stand and how to." So, I followed his intructions exactly with one foot here, another there, use your weight just so and lightly push. The door swung open inward like a feather to my amazement! How the heck? Must be a Navy Seal thing. I recognized the young gentleman as one of the elite special forces. I proceeded to the beach for my morning jog. No parachutes, no helicopters, nope, not this time! Successful extraction, mission accomplished~~
A Human Touch to Navy SEALs